Sunday, August 23, 2015

You (you know who you are) Should Be Ashamed of Yourselves!

Growing up, I always believed that I was one of the luckiest people to be growing up in the nicest area on earth. I look back and I remember people being nice to one another, having compassion, and most of all, I remember manners being like STDs are now. Everyone had them. 
When I got married (to #1), we moved to Chillicothe, Ohio. Countless people heard  me point out that people in my hometown would never have been so rude. 
Over the next 15 years, I bragged about how nice and polite my fellow West Virginians were all over the panhandle, which is nothing like the real West Virginia, in Maryland, and in Virginia too.
I actually believed that right up until I moved back almost two months ago and started regularly going out amongst these people.
I have to say, I am mortified at the horrible people I've had the misfortune to cross paths with. Manners are completely gone, there's complete disregard for the safety of children, and, I'm probably poking the momma bear here but some of yalls kids are fucking assholes.
And don't even get me started on my recent visits to Walmart. 
Alright, you get one story from Walmart... Only because you asked for it.
Yesterday, Lila, my mother, and I were in the toothpaste isle. Lila was trying to make the tough decision of which toothbrush she wanted when I felt someone bang into my cart. Now, I am not one of the nicest people but if I feel like I can't get down an isle, I say "excuse me". Instead, this older couple decided to bang into my daughter, mother, and I until they got by. Walmart makes me grouchy anyway but rude assholes are too much. My mom, who's way nicer than I am is trying to help me move the cart out of the way while this couple keeps banging off of it. 
Mom says "Tracy (cart bang), scoot the (cart bang) cart (bang) over and (bang) let these (bang) people by (bang)"
While I have manners, I am also a sarcastic, mouthy little prick too. As they're banging into us, I say to my mother  "gosh, I wasn't sure they wanted by. Nobody says excuse me around here anymore". 
The man of the couple then yells at me "were we supposed to?" To which I shouted back "actually, yeah. You were supposed to".
What in the actual fucking fuck???
First of all, I was raised to respect my elders but how far does that go if they're being completely disrespectful to me and my family? I am trying to raise children to be respectful but I'm also trying not to raise them to be fucking doormats for pricks.
In my head, this is all I could picture:
Me fist fighting with an elderly couple as my grandparents look down, shaking their heads, from the big senior center in the sky. All the while, Lila is shooting the couple with toothpaste and macing them with Listerine as an attempt to come in with the assist and my mother is yelling "Tracy Lynn! You stop that right now!!!"
I was raised with manners, I've had my mouth washed out with soap more than I care to remember, I've had my ass beat, I've had "don't you dare look at me in that tone of voice" and "keep crying and I'll give you a reason to cry" said to me a million times, and I have been given a reason to cry when I called my mothers bluff over that threat. 
And here I am, not even two months back yet, imagining sucker punching the elderly in the forehead and slapping the shit out of someone's asshole kids. 
If this keeps up, I might end up in a cabin in the woods and only venturing out once every six months in an effort to save my sanity and some of these assholes lives.

Seriously, somebody better fix this shit or I have a lot of entire towns to apologize to!

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