Unless you've been under a rock for the last few months, you know who this is. This is a beautiful woman who has better hair than me, a better makeup artist than I have (which is me), and she has legs that I would punch a puppy for.
Oh, FYI, she also used to be some hairy dude named Bruce who was an Olympian and married into a horrible family.
Now before you tell me to fuck off for making my post about Caitlyn, because I know everyone else has posted it on Facebook or any other social media they can get their hands on, please know that, while I supported that Bruce dudes decision to become who she's always been, I refused to join the hype. I don't watch that horrible show about her horrible step children, I didn't read the magazine articles, and until this moment, I didn't say a word on my Facebook page about Caitlyn. Did I have thoughts throughout the day? Sure... Here's a few:
Wow, that Bruce dude makes one hell of a beautiful woman named Caitlyn.
Huh, I can't believe she didn't spell her name with a K like all of her horrible step kids.
Why can't I wear lipstick without looking like a prostitute?
Lord how am I reaching yet another summer without a bathing suit ready body?? I swore last summer was the last one!
Maybe I should try jogging. Look at her legs!
Those were the thoughts I had throughout the day about Caitlyn. I still have yet to have one bad thought about her life decisions because it isn't my place to have good thoughts, bad thoughts, or any opinion on what she chooses to do with her life.
Did Caitlyn kill someone? Not that I know of. Does she shank ignorant assholes for their asshat opinions? Not yet but she should fucking start. Did she walk into my living room and pee in the floor while showing off those magnificent legs? Nope. So, as far as Caitlyn and I are concerned, we're cool. I'm sure she'll sleep better tonight knowing that.
But as the day has gone on, I've had some bad thoughts and they weren't towards this woman. They are towards the ignorant people who I am shocked and ashamed to say I am friends with on Facebook. Yall mother fuckers need two things.
1. To find this Jesus you claim you know so well and beg him for forgiveness for being so hateful to another human being whom you do not know personally and should have no opinion on the struggle you do not have to go through.
2. Then you need to shut your ignorant, hateful, and bigoted mouths.
I have done something today that is so out of my nature I might die from it.
I have bit my tongue and refrained from starting a comment war with people I haven't seen since graduating high school, people I used to work with, and people I spoke to even yesterday.
Put yourself in her shoes. What if you were born as someone on the inside who was so completely opposite from the outside body you were born with that you are willing to give up family who won't support you, relationships you've built based on the outside person, to be so willing to risk your life to have surgery to fix it, and to risk your life and safety against the assholes who refuse to understand what you're going through only because they were lucky enough to not be born into your predicament?
Now look at the children you were blessed with. What will you do if junior comes to you in ten years and tell you he's a female whose name is Juno? Will you "throw up in your mouth a little" (actual quote from a Facebook comment) because of your own child becoming who they're supposed to be?
Would you live the one life you get being miserable, depressed, maybe even suicidal just so other people who aren't living your life accept you? Would you tell
Your child that's what they have to do in order for you to continue loving them? Or would you say "fuck it, I'm gonna do me no matter what these people think. It's my life!"
I can honestly tell you, I know with 100% of my being, if I were born in Caitlyn's place, I would gladly cut my ties with any of you that didn't support me to be who I know I'm supposed to be. The only difference between me and Caitlyn is that I would shank your ignorant asses. How can you say you love someone if that love stops when they don't meet your conditions?
And how can you say that the big guy upstairs doesn't approve. I've heard my entire life about how he doesn't make mistakes. So either you're saying that the big man is either a huge mistake making idiot or a liar because his love is conditional. I'll let you all pick. It won't effect me either way.
The point to all of this is it took bigger balls for Caitlyn to become who she was supposed to be than the ones she was born with. In my opinion, if your thoughts are anything other than "good for her" or you feel hatred towards her for anything other than her having better legs than you will ever have, keep it to yourself. She didn't hurt you. And I guarentee, that woman has gone through more pain than you will ever experience in your entire, wasted life. Leave these people alone and let them be whomever they're supposed to be.
End of rant...
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