Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Turns Out I Have This Disease

It turns out I have a new, rare disease. I have what is called SLJ disease... Hear me out.
During a phone conversation with a friend of mine yesterday, it was pointed out to me that I tend to turn in to Samuel L. Jackson when I get angry, slightly annoyed, inconvenienced, wake up too early, stay up too late... You get the idea..
Half the time, I don't even realize its happening but I can get on a roll and the fbombs start flying, there's so many hand gestures that people must wonder if I'm having a seizure or am trying to fly away, and I come up with some interesting names to call people.

If you have been a victim of my SLJ, I won't apologize because you probably deserved it. If you've witnessed it, you're welcome.
So, when SLJ is recognized as a legitimate disease, I happily volunteer to be the poster child. No cure needed!
I do love that man!


  1. Sorry about your god damn SLJ disease. I saw this on a commercial and you just need to eat a snickers
